Spanish Scene 1
spanish pack n°1 by llfb
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Assembly Source File
562 lines
; >extern 'DF0:raytr.dat',sinus
; org $22000
; load $22000
Section Roman,code_c
j lea $30000,a0
lo clr.l (a0)+
cmp.l #$50000,a0
bcs lo
bsr init
lea $dff000,a6
w1 move.l 4(a6),d0
lsr.l #8,d0
cmp.w #$130,d0
bne w1
move.w #$7fff,$9a(a6)
move.w #$7fff,$96(a6)
move.l #copper,$84(a6)
clr.w $8a(a6)
move.w #$87d0,$96(a6)
move.w #$c010,$9a(a6)
w2 bsr wait
we move.l 4(a6),d0
lsr.l #8,d0
cmp.w #$d0,d0
bne we
bsr filler
bsr plasma
btst #6,$bfe001
bne w2
bsr wait
move.w #$7fff,$96(a6)
move.w #$7fff,$9a(a6)
clr.w $88(a6)
move.w #$87f0,$96(a6)
move.w #$e02c,$9a(a6)
clr.l d0
filler add.w #2,addx ;xszog novelese
and.w #$1ff,addx
add.w #4,addy ;yszog novelese
and.w #$1ff,addy
add.w #2,addz ;zszog novelese
and.w #$1ff,addz
lea coords,a0 ;pontok x,y,z koordinatai
lea sinus,a1 ;sinus ertekek
lea $80(a1),a3 ;cosinus ertekek
lea tarolo,a2 ;2D x,y letarolasa
lea addx,a4 ;szogek
moveq #23,d7 ;pontok szama
h3 movem.w (a0)+,d0/d1/d6 ;x,y,z
move.w 4(a4),d5 ;Zszog
bsr calcul ;Z-rotation
move.w d0,d6 ;X tarolasa
move.w d3,d0 ;Y
move.w (a4),d5 ;Xszog
bsr calcul ;X-rotation
move.w d0,d6 ;uj Y tarolasa
move.w d3,d0 ;Z
move.w 2(a4),d5 ;Yszog
bsr calcul ;Y-rotation
exg d0,d3 ;X csere Z-vel Z=d3
moveq #12,d6 ;lekepezes 2D-re
move.w #$400,d2
sub.w d3,d2 ;$444-Z
muls d2,d0 ;z'*x
asr.l d6,d0 ;z'*x/2048=2D X
muls d2,d1 ;z'*y
asr.l d6,d1 ;z'*y/2048=2D Y
add.w #150,d0 ;X=X+150 kozepre a kepernyon
add.w #100,d1 ;Y=Y+100
move.w d0,(a2)+ ;2D X tarolasa
move.w d1,(a2)+ ;2D Y tarolasa
dbf d7,h3 ;14-szer
bsr wait
move.l #$ffff8000,$72(a6) ;vonalhuzashoz standard ertekek
move.l #-1,$44(a6)
move.w #40,$60(a6) ;kepernyo szelessege
eor.w #$8000,erno+2 ;kepernyo csere
eor.w #$8000,copscr ;csere a copperben is
move.l erno,a0
add.l #26+[170*$28],a0
bsr wait ;uzemmodban dolgozik
move.l #$01000002,$40(a6)
move.w #$28-[[9*16]/8],$66(a6)
move.l a0,$54(a6)
move.w #$2309,$58(a6) ;feltolt
lea tarolo,a1 ;2D x,y ertekek
lea meghat,a2 ;structure
lea sinus+$400,a3 ;sor kezdopontja /0-f/ + $a4a or $b4a
lea sinus+$680,a5 ;szelesseg/2/ es vonal hossz values
move.w (a2)+,lap ;lapok szama /24/
h7 move.l (a2)+,d7 ;hany pontot kosson ossze
move.l (a2)+,a4 ;oszzekotesi sorrend
move.l erno,a0 ;ide rajzol
movem.w (a4),d0/d1/d2 ;lathatosag eldontese
move.w (a1,d1.w),d3 ;x1
sub.w (a1,d0.w),d3 ;X1-X0
move.w 2(a1,d2.w),d4 ;y2
sub.w 2(a1,d1.w),d4 ;Y2-Y1
move.w 2(a1,d1.w),d5 ;y1
sub.w 2(a1,d0.w),d5 ;Y1-Y0
move.w (a1,d2.w),d6 ;x2
sub.w (a1,d1.w),d6 ;X2-X1
mulu d4,d3 ;(y2-y1)(x1-x0)=d3
mulu d6,d5 ;(y1-y0)(x2-x1)=d5
sub.w d5,d3
bmi vakon ;nem latszik
nb move.w (a4)+,d5 ;1.pont
move.w (a1,d5.w),d0 ;x1 koordinata
move.w 2(a1,d5.w),d1 ;y1 koordinata
bsr lines ;vonalhuzo
vakon subq.w #1,lap ;lapszam csokkentes
bne h7 ;van meg ?
fill move.l erno,a0
add.l #26+[170*$28],a0
bsr wait ;uzemmodban dolgozik
move.l #$09f00012,$40(a6)
move.w #$28-[[9*16]/8],$64(a6)
move.w #$28-[[9*16]/8],$66(a6)
move.l a0,$50(a6)
move.l a0,$54(a6)
move.w #$2309,$58(a6) ;feltolt
lines move.w (a4)+,d5 ;kovetkezo pont
move.w (a1,d5.w),d2 ;x2
move.w 2(a1,d5.w),d3 ;y2
movem.w d2/d3,-(a7) ;kovetkezo pont latarolasa
cmp.w d1,d3 ;y2-y1
bgt p1
exg d0,d2 ;kisebb --> coords csere
exg d1,d3 ;mindig a nagyobb y-bol kell huzni !
beq not
p1 move.w #40,d5 ;kepernyo szelessege
move.w d1,d4 ;nagyobb y
mulu d5,d4 ;120*y = pont sora
move.w d0,d5 ;x0
add.l a0,d4 ;$30000+x0 = pont oszlopa
lsr.w #3,d5 ;pont sora/8
add.w d5,d4 ;megkapja a pont helyet
moveq #0,d5
sub.w d1,d3 ;Y
sub.w d0,d2 ;X /x1-x2/
bpl p2
moveq #1,d5 ;x2 kisebb volt,a kapott X negativ
neg.w d2 ;most mar pozitiv X
p2 move.w d3,d1 ;Y
add.w d1,d1 ;2Y
cmp.w d2,d1 ;X-2Y
dbhi d3,p3 ;csokkenti Y-t ha
p3 move.w d3,d1 ;Y
sub.w d2,d1 ;Y-X
bpl p4
exg d2,d3 ;X csereje Y-al
p4 addx.w d5,d5
add.w d2,d2 ;2Y
move.w d2,d1 ;2Y
sub.w d3,d2 ;2Y-X
addx.w d5,d5
add.w d0,d0
move.w d2,d6
sub.w d3,d6
add.w d3,d3
ok move.w (a5,d3.w),d3 ;$58
move.w (a3,d0.w),d0 ;$40
move.b dat(pc,d5.w),d5 ;melyik siknyolcad
bsr wait
move.w d2,$52(a6) ;2y-x
move.w d0,$40(a6) ;12-15-->sor kezdopontja /0-f/ + a4a
move.b d5,$43(a6) ;siknyolcad
move.l d4,$48(a6) ;vonal kezdocime
move.l d4,$54(a6) ;vonal kezdocime
move.w d1,$62(a6) ;2y
move.w d6,$64(a6) ;2y-2x
move.w d3,$58(a6) ;szelesseg=2 , magassag=vonal hossza
not movem.w (a7)+,d0/d1
dbf d7,lines
dat dc.l $3431353,$b4b1757
calcul move.w (a3,d5.w),d4 ;cos ertek
move.w (a1,d5.w),d5 ;sin ertek
move.w d0,d2 ;c1
move.w d1,d3 ;c2
muls d4,d0 ;c1*cos(c0angle)
muls d5,d1 ;c2*sin(c0angle)
muls d4,d3 ;c2*cos(c0angle)
muls d5,d2 ;c1*sin(c0angle)
sub.l d1,d0 ;c1*cos(c0angle)-c2*sin(c0angle)
add.l d2,d3 ;c2*cos(c0angle)+c1*sin(c0angle)
add.l d0,d0
add.l d3,d3
swap d0 ;uj c1
swap d3 ;uj c2
move.w d6,d1
code movem.l d0-d7/a1-a6,-(a0)
cstart = $5167 ;startposition
colsrow = 18 ;colors per row
ysize = 134 ;ysize of effect
reg = $182 ;register to use
plasma: lea yoffs1(pc),a0
move.w #[256*2]-1,d4 ;for offsets rangeholding
movem.w (a0)+,d0-d2 ;get y-offset 1,2,3
add.w #2*1,d0 ;increase offset 1
add.w #2*2,d1 ;increase offset 2
add.w #2*3,d2 ;increase offset 3
and.w d4,d0 ;hold offset 1 in range
and.w d4,d1 ;hold offset 2 in range
and.w d4,d2 ;hold offset 3 in range
movem.w d0-d2,-(a0) ;refresh y-offsets
bsr wait ;init fixed blitter register
clr.l $60(a6) ;no modulos source C&B (colors)
clr.w $64(a6) ;no modulos source A (colors)
move.w #colsrow*4+2,$66(a6) ;bytes to override to next row
move.l #-1,$44(a6) ;full word mask source A
move.l #$0f160000,$40(a6) ;D=A+B+C (or.) & ascending mode
lea copbuff+6(pc),a0 ;place for first color in copperlist
lea ytab(pc),a1 ;address of y-table
lea red1(pc),a2
lea green1(pc),a3
lea blue1(pc),a4 ;color table 1 addresses
bra plab_0
;tst.b hidden ;surface hidden(use other colortables?)
;beq.w plab_0
lea red2(pc),a2
lea green2(pc),a3
lea blue2(pc),a4 ;color table 2 addresses
plab_0: moveq #colsrow-1,d3 ;nr. of colors per row
move.w #ysize*64+1,d5 ;blitwindowsize
ploop_0:bsr wait
move.w (a1,d0.w),d7 ;value from ytabaddr&offset1
lea (a2,d7.w),a5 ;colortable1address & offset
move.l a5,$50(a6) ;init source A address
move.w (a1,d1.w),d7 ;value from ytabaddr&offset2
lea (a3,d7.w),a5 ;colortable2address & offset
move.l a5,$4c(a6) ;init source B address
move.w (a1,d2.w),d7 ;value from ytabaddr&offset3
lea (a4,d7.w),a5 ;colortable3address & offset
move.l a5,$48(a6) ;init source C address
add.w #02*1,d0 ;increase offset 1
add.w #02*2,d1 ;increase offset 2
add.w #02*3,d2 ;increase offset 3
and.w d4,d0 ;hold offset 1 in range
and.w d4,d1 ;hold offset 2 in range
and.w d4,d2 ;hold offset 3 in range
move.l a0,$54(a6) ;dest. D (buffer in copperlist)
move.w d5,$58(a6) ;start blitter operation
addq.l #04,a0 ;increase copbuff address
dbf d3,ploop_0
init lea copbuff(pc),a0 ;buffer in copperlist
move.w #ysize-1,d0 ;ysize of effect
move.w #cstart,d1 ;first waitposition
iloop_4:move.w #colsrow-1,d2 ;colors per row
move.w d1,(a0)+ ;insert waitposition
move.w #-2,(a0)+ ;$fffe
iloop_5:move.w #reg,(a0)+ ;insert register to use
move.w #0,(a0)+ ;place for data (later)
dbf d2,iloop_5 ;init one row
addi.w #$0100,d1 ;increase waitposition
dbf d0,iloop_4 ;init all rows
lea ytab(pc),a0 ;convert ytable for speedup
move.l #[ytabend-ytab]/2-1,d0 ;wordsize
iloop_6:move.w (a0),d1
add.w d1,d1 ;*2 to use data as wordoffset
move.w d1,(a0)+
dbf d0,iloop_6
lea red1(pc),a0 ;source buffer red
lea red2(pc),a1 ;generate shadow buffer red
move.w #[green1-red1]/2-1,d0 ;nr. of words in table
bsr.w floop_0 ;fadedown origin & insert in buffer
lea green1(pc),a0 ;source buffer green
lea green2(pc),a1 ;generate shadow buffer green
move.w #[blue1-green1]/2-1,d0 ;nr. of words in table
bsr.w floop_0 ;fadedown origin & insert in buffer
lea blue1(pc),a0 ;source buffer blue
lea blue2(pc),a1 ;generate shadow buffer blue
move.w #[blue1end-blue1]/2-1,d0;nr. of words in table
bsr.w floop_0 ;fadedown origin & insert in buffer
floop_0:move.w (a0)+,d1 ;get value
move.w d1,d2
move.w d2,d3
andi.w #$0f00,d1
andi.w #$00f0,d2
andi.w #$000f,d3 ;split into red/green/blue
sub.w #$0100*5,d1 ;decrease red-part
tst.w d1 ;under zero ?
bge.w flab_0
moveq #00,d1 ;set on black
flab_0: sub.w #$0010*5,d2 ;decrease green-part
tst.w d2 ;under zero ?
bge.s flab_1
moveq #00,d2 ;set on black
flab_1: subq.w #$0001*5,d3 ;decrease blue-part
tst.w d3 ;under zero ?
bge.s flab_2
moveq #00,d3 ;set on black
flab_2: or.w d1,d2
or.w d2,d3 ;stuck together red/green/blue
move.w d3,(a1)+ ;store faded value
dbf d0,floop_0
wait btst #$e,$dff002
bne wait
red1: dc.w $100,$200,$100,$100,$200,$300,$200,$200
dc.w $300,$400,$300,$300,$400,$500,$400,$400
dc.w $500,$600,$500,$500,$600,$700,$600,$600
dc.w $700,$800,$700,$700,$800,$900,$800,$800
dc.w $900,$a00,$900,$900,$a00,$b00,$a00,$a00
dc.w $b00,$c00,$b00,$b00,$c00,$d00,$c00,$c00
dc.w $d00,$e00,$d00,$d00,$e00,$f00,$e00,$e00
dc.w $f00,$f00,$f00,$f00,$e00,$f00,$e00,$e00
dc.w $d00,$e00,$d00,$d00,$c00,$d00,$c00,$c00
dc.w $b00,$c00,$b00,$b00,$a00,$b00,$a00,$a00
dc.w $900,$a00,$900,$900,$800,$900,$800,$800
dc.w $700,$800,$700,$700,$600,$700,$600,$600
dc.w $500,$600,$500,$500,$400,$500,$400,$400
dc.w $300,$400,$300,$300,$200,$300,$200,$200
redp: dc.w $100,$200,$100,$100,$200,$300,$200,$200
dc.w $300,$400,$300,$300,$400,$500,$400,$400
dc.w $500,$600,$500,$500,$600,$700,$600,$600
dc.w $700,$800,$700,$700,$800,$900,$800,$800
dc.w $900,$a00,$900,$900,$a00,$b00,$a00,$a00
dc.w $b00,$c00,$b00,$b00,$c00,$d00,$c00,$c00
dc.w $d00,$e00,$d00,$d00,$e00,$f00,$e00,$e00
dc.w $f00,$f00,$f00,$f00,$e00,$f00,$e00,$e00
dc.w $d00,$e00,$d00,$d00,$c00,$d00,$c00,$c00
dc.w $b00,$c00,$b00,$b00,$a00,$b00,$a00,$a00
dc.w $900,$a00,$900,$900,$800,$900,$800,$800
dc.w $700,$800,$700,$700,$600,$700,$600,$600
dc.w $500,$600,$500,$500,$400,$500,$400,$400
dc.w $300,$400,$300,$300,$200,$300,$200,$200
redo: dc.w $100,$200,$100,$100,$200,$300,$200,$200
dc.w $300,$400,$300,$300,$400,$500,$400,$400
dc.w $500,$600,$500,$500,$600,$700,$600,$600
dc.w $700,$800,$700,$700,$800,$900,$800,$800
dc.w $900,$a00,$900,$900,$a00,$b00,$a00,$a00
dc.w $b00,$c00,$b00,$b00,$c00,$d00,$c00,$c00
dc.w $d00,$e00,$d00,$d00,$e00,$f00,$e00,$e00
dc.w $f00,$f00,$f00,$f00,$e00,$f00,$e00,$e00
dc.w $d00,$e00,$d00,$d00,$c00,$d00,$c00,$c00
dc.w $b00,$c00,$b00,$b00,$a00,$b00,$a00,$a00
dc.w $900,$a00,$900,$900,$800,$900,$800,$800
dc.w $700,$800,$700,$700,$600,$700,$600,$600
dc.w $500,$600,$500,$500,$400,$500,$400,$400
dc.w $300,$400,$300,$300,$200,$300,$200,$200
green1: dc.w $10,$20,$10,$10,$20,$30,$20,$20
dc.w $30,$40,$30,$30,$40,$50,$40,$40
dc.w $50,$60,$50,$50,$60,$70,$60,$60
dc.w $70,$80,$70,$70,$80,$90,$80,$80
dc.w $90,$a0,$90,$90,$a0,$b0,$a0,$a0
dc.w $b0,$c0,$b0,$b0,$c0,$d0,$c0,$c0
dc.w $d0,$e0,$d0,$d0,$e0,$f0,$e0,$e0
dc.w $f0,$f0,$f0,$f0,$e0,$f0,$e0,$e0
dc.w $d0,$e0,$d0,$d0,$c0,$d0,$c0,$c0
dc.w $b0,$c0,$b0,$b0,$a0,$b0,$a0,$a0
dc.w $90,$a0,$90,$90,$80,$90,$80,$80
dc.w $70,$80,$70,$70,$60,$70,$60,$60
dc.w $50,$60,$50,$50,$40,$50,$40,$40
dc.w $30,$40,$30,$30,$20,$30,$20,$20
greenp: dc.w $10,$20,$10,$10,$20,$30,$20,$20
dc.w $30,$40,$30,$30,$40,$50,$40,$40
dc.w $50,$60,$50,$50,$60,$70,$60,$60
dc.w $70,$80,$70,$70,$80,$90,$80,$80
dc.w $90,$a0,$90,$90,$a0,$b0,$a0,$a0
dc.w $b0,$c0,$b0,$b0,$c0,$d0,$c0,$c0
dc.w $d0,$e0,$d0,$d0,$e0,$f0,$e0,$e0
dc.w $f0,$f0,$f0,$f0,$e0,$f0,$e0,$e0
dc.w $d0,$e0,$d0,$d0,$c0,$d0,$c0,$c0
dc.w $b0,$c0,$b0,$b0,$a0,$b0,$a0,$a0
dc.w $90,$a0,$90,$90,$80,$90,$80,$80
dc.w $70,$80,$70,$70,$60,$70,$60,$60
dc.w $50,$60,$50,$50,$40,$50,$40,$40
dc.w $30,$40,$30,$30,$20,$30,$20,$20
greeno: dc.w $10,$20,$10,$10,$20,$30,$20,$20
dc.w $30,$40,$30,$30,$40,$50,$40,$40
dc.w $50,$60,$50,$50,$60,$70,$60,$60
dc.w $70,$80,$70,$70,$80,$90,$80,$80
dc.w $90,$a0,$90,$90,$a0,$b0,$a0,$a0
dc.w $b0,$c0,$b0,$b0,$c0,$d0,$c0,$c0
dc.w $d0,$e0,$d0,$d0,$e0,$f0,$e0,$e0
dc.w $f0,$f0,$f0,$f0,$e0,$f0,$e0,$e0
dc.w $d0,$e0,$d0,$d0,$c0,$d0,$c0,$c0
dc.w $b0,$c0,$b0,$b0,$a0,$b0,$a0,$a0
dc.w $90,$a0,$90,$90,$80,$90,$80,$80
dc.w $70,$80,$70,$70,$60,$70,$60,$60
dc.w $50,$60,$50,$50,$40,$50,$40,$40
dc.w $30,$40,$30,$30,$20,$30,$20,$20
blue1: dc.w $1,$2,$1,$1,$2,$3,$2,$2
dc.w $3,$4,$3,$3,$4,$5,$4,$4
dc.w $5,$6,$5,$5,$6,$7,$6,$6
dc.w $7,$8,$7,$7,$8,$9,$8,$8
dc.w $9,$a,$9,$9,$a,$b,$a,$a
dc.w $b,$c,$b,$b,$c,$d,$c,$c
dc.w $d,$e,$d,$d,$e,$f,$e,$e
dc.w $f,$f,$f,$f,$e,$f,$e,$e
dc.w $d,$e,$d,$d,$c,$d,$c,$c
dc.w $b,$c,$b,$b,$a,$b,$a,$a
dc.w $9,$a,$9,$9,$8,$9,$8,$8
dc.w $7,$8,$7,$7,$6,$7,$6,$6
dc.w $5,$6,$5,$5,$4,$5,$4,$4
dc.w $3,$4,$3,$3,$2,$3,$2,$2
bluep: dc.w $1,$2,$1,$1,$2,$3,$2,$2
dc.w $3,$4,$3,$3,$4,$5,$4,$4
dc.w $5,$6,$5,$5,$6,$7,$6,$6
dc.w $7,$8,$7,$7,$8,$9,$8,$8
dc.w $9,$a,$9,$9,$a,$b,$a,$a
dc.w $b,$c,$b,$b,$c,$d,$c,$c
dc.w $d,$e,$d,$d,$e,$f,$e,$e
dc.w $f,$f,$f,$f,$e,$f,$e,$e
dc.w $d,$e,$d,$d,$c,$d,$c,$c
dc.w $b,$c,$b,$b,$a,$b,$a,$a
dc.w $9,$a,$9,$9,$8,$9,$8,$8
dc.w $7,$8,$7,$7,$6,$7,$6,$6
dc.w $5,$6,$5,$5,$4,$5,$4,$4
dc.w $3,$4,$3,$3,$2,$3,$2,$2
blueo: dc.w $1,$2,$1,$1,$2,$3,$2,$2
dc.w $3,$4,$3,$3,$4,$5,$4,$4
dc.w $5,$6,$5,$5,$6,$7,$6,$6
dc.w $7,$8,$7,$7,$8,$9,$8,$8
dc.w $9,$a,$9,$9,$a,$b,$a,$a
dc.w $b,$c,$b,$b,$c,$d,$c,$c
dc.w $d,$e,$d,$d,$e,$f,$e,$e
dc.w $f,$f,$f,$f,$e,$f,$e,$e
dc.w $d,$e,$d,$d,$c,$d,$c,$c
dc.w $b,$c,$b,$b,$a,$b,$a,$a
dc.w $9,$a,$9,$9,$8,$9,$8,$8
dc.w $7,$8,$7,$7,$6,$7,$6,$6
dc.w $5,$6,$5,$5,$4,$5,$4,$4
dc.w $3,$4,$3,$3,$2,$3,$2,$2
red2: blk.w [green1-red1]/2
green2: blk.w [blue1-green1]/2
blue2: blk.w [blue1end-blue1]/2
;ytab 256 values !!
yoffs1: dc.w 0
yoffs2: dc.w 0
yoffs3: dc.w 0
ytab: dc.w 57,57,57,57,57,57,57,57
dc.w 56,56,56,56,56,56,55,55
dc.w 55,55,54,54,54,53,53,53
dc.w 52,52,51,51,51,50,50,49
dc.w 49,48,48,47,47,46,45,45
dc.w 44,44,43,43,42,41,41,40
dc.w 39,39,38,37,37,36,35,35
dc.w 34,33,33,32,31,31,30,29
dc.w 29,28,27,26,26,25,24,24
dc.w 23,22,22,21,20,20,19,18
dc.w 18,17,16,16,15,14,14,13
dc.w 13,12,12,11,10,10,9,9
dc.w 8,8,7,7,6,6,6,5
dc.w 5,4,4,4,3,3,3,2
dc.w 2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1
dc.w 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
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dc.w 34,35,35,36,37,37,38,39
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dc.w 44,45,45,46,47,47,48,48
dc.w 49,49,50,50,51,51,51,52
dc.w 52,53,53,53,54,54,54,55
dc.w 55,55,55,56,56,56,56,56
dc.w 56,57,57,57,57,57,57,57
copper dc.w $180,0,$100,$200,$120,0,$122,0,$128,0,$12a,0,$130,0,$132,0
dc.w $138,0,$13a,0,$124,0,$126,0,$12c,0,$12e,0,$134,0,$136,0
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dc.w $8e,$3081,$90,$30c1,$92,$38,$94,$d0
dc.w $e0,3,$e2
copscr dc.w 0
dc.w $2001,$fffe,$100,$1200,$108,0,$10a,0
copbuff:blk.l [1+1*colsrow]*ysize
dc.w $fe01,$fffe,$100,$200,$ffff,$fffe
coords dc.w -154,150,150,-154,-150,150,-154,-150,-150,-154,150,-150
dc.w 154,150,150,154,-150,150,154,-150,-150,154,150,-150
dc.w -150,150,154,-150,-150,154,150,-150,154,150,150,154
dc.w -150,150,-154,-150,-150,-154,150,-150,-154,150,150,-154
dc.w -150,154,-150,-150,154,150,150,154,150,150,154,-150
dc.w -150,-154,-150,-150,-154,150,150,-154,150,150,-154,-150
meghat dc.w 6
dc.l 3,kot1,3,kot2,3,kot3,3,kot4,3,kot5,3,kot6
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kot6 dc.w 80,84,88,92,80
addx dc.w 0 ;xangle
addy dc.w 0 ;yangle
addz dc.w 0 ;zangle
lap dc.w 0 ;siklapok szama/object
erno dc.l $38000 ;kepernyo
sinus incbin "Coleccion_Sources1:Sources/Vectores/raytr.dat"
tarolo blk.b 100,0